Where does my time go? This is the curse of the modern world - technology enables us to do everything faster than before, but the number of tasks at hand also increases exponentially. With more and more activities around us, are we really living "easier" lives? Or simply more exhausting ones? As the school semester flies by, even though most of the grunt work of the year and spamming club applications are over I still feel fairly behind in my classes and not reaching what I set out to do every day. In this post I will try to dissect my weekly schedule, to see where I'm spending my time on average and what changes I can make in my life to be happier with my use of time. Monday The first school day of the week. I don't have class until 3:00pm, so I'm fairly lazy about my day on this day in particular, a mindset I aim to change. 12:00-3:00am : Lately I've been staying up pretty late almost every day, doing miscellaneous stuff like writing blog posts ...